
Goal for babies' size in utero?

I'm 22 weeks now, and yesterday the babies were at 14 ounces (10%) and 1 lb 2 ounces (40%). The MFM doc would like to see them bigger -- but in the rush of conversation that followed about some bloodwork issues they found for me, I didn't ask what a "good" size would be.

Does/did your doctor have a goal for how big your twins should be? 40th percentile seems fair to me (could be better, could be worse). 10th percentile seems small, but she's growing well over the past few weeks.


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Re: Goal for babies' size in utero?

  • My boys' percentiles fluctuated a bit but my dr never mentioned goals for them.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • At 20 weeks (last week)  they were measuring 16 oz and 14 oz and my doctor also never mentioned to me about reaching a "goal" or a "good" size for them, he also never mentioned anything about percentiles and such, all he said was they were doing great and my weight was really good and that I was gaining proper weight that I needed.
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  • I had an u/s at 22w2d and they were almost the same as yours. Baby A was 14 oz (14%)  and Baby B was 1lb 3 oz (47%)  They did say that 14 oz was small but nothing to worry about yet.  They just don't want to see it go below 10%.  I go back next week to recheck.  Good Luck!
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