
symptoms in 1st tri?

I just found out that we're having twins. I'm about 7.5 weeks pregnant right now. I've had some nausea for the last 2 weeks but it hasn't been horrible. I've managed to still eat meals and snacks, although I have lots of food aversions. I've heard that multiples can make your symptoms far worse. Apart from the mild nausea, I've had quite a bit of fatigue, sore breasts and occasional lower abdominal aching. 

Has anyone pregnant with multiples had mild symptoms through their 1st tri? 

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Re: symptoms in 1st tri?

  • Congratulations on your twin pregnancy :) I am 17 weeks and so far have experience ZERO symptoms besides engorged boobs... no morning sickness, no nausea, no gagging, etc.

    Good luck!

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  • Congrats!  I generally felt like you describe until 8 weeks exactly.  Up until then I was thinking "well, this isn't so bad...."  Then BAM - I felt awful until I hit 12 weeks.  I was completely exhausted and extremely nauseous (although only occassionally did i actually throw up) and could hardly eat or even look at food.  But everyone's different -- hopefully you'll avoid all of that and have a really easy 1st tri!
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  • I had extreme fatigue....but that was about it.

    I had some food aversions (no meat for first tri), and a couple of times I felt like I was going to faint, but that's about it.  I learned to eat as soon as I woke up and that curbed the fainting thing.


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  • I am 13w3d and was completely shocked to learn it was twins last week! I didn't have any weight gain in my first trimester, I threw up one time (at midnight) the week I found out I was pregnant, but no other symptoms, other then the normal tiredness and very sore nipples. I had some aches and pains here and there which were attributed to a bladder infection.

    I really had a fantastic 1st trimester and almost thought the tests were wrong until we heard the heartbeat to confirm a baby really existed in there! Then followed the u/s telling us there were 2, SUPRISE! :)

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  • Congrats! I just found out Monday I was having twins too. My symptoms are horrible. For 2 weeks now, I have not been able to eat, drink, and I sleep all the time. LOL This is my forth pregnancy and so far the worse. I'm hoping around 12 weeks or so I will go back to normal. Good luck with everything.


  • im 9 weeks 1 day, yesterday i went to the dr. and my babies are doing fine...Thank God.. since week 6 i been having nausa, gaging and i spit alot.. I could bearly eat sometimes but i have to force myself sometimes.. sometimes i wake worse than other days, i have vomit like two times only, im optimistic it get better in the 2nd tri.. my bb's are sore and big and i could see lots of veins..
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