

What boards do you frequent besides this one? The adoption board was the ONLY board I would go onto until we got our match, now I'm all over the place. Just curious if any of you ladies are on any of the other boards?
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Re: Boards

  • I still frequent the IF board, but don't post.  I just know what those ladies are going through and like to pull for them.  I also visit and post on SAIF, Pre-school and Parenting.  I also posted and visited the toddler boards when Ben was younger.
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  • I post on TTC35+ (I still consider it my home board, but I have been lurking more and posting less)

    I lurk on 0-3 mos (just to get an idea of what is going on with newborns), Nursery and Gear, parenting 35+ and attachment parenting (not as much as the others).  I also lurk on my local Bump board.

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  • I lurk alot still on the IF board. I will occasionally post if it's something I can help with. I used to lurk on PAIF as well just keep posted on the ones I knew from IF.
  • Secondary IF (or 2IF) (as a PP said it: I still consider it my home board, but I have been lurking more and posting less) I also frequent the regular Infertility board. I occasionally post on preschoolers, and in the past have posted (and sometimes still lurk) on blended families, preemies, multiples (keeping track of former bumpies), attachment parenting, success after IF.

    I could belong to a lot of them.. oy!

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    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • just my other local boards

    post on local nest

    lurk on local bump, while i know a lot of the girls (they moved over from the nest a few years ago) it feels weird to post on the board since I have no experience or direct questions...

  • I lurk on SAIF and sometimes post on Toddlers 12-24.  I get a kick out of the Baby Name board.
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  • On the Nest: Gardening&Landscaping, Crafts, Travel, MoneyMatters

    On the Bump: Snarky&TTTC, Adoption, Cloth Diapering, New to the Bump, StayatHomeMoms

    I used to go onto DD's monthly board, EFF, and SwapSpot, but I rarely if ever visit there any more.

  • I'm an MLer from way back, so I usually post there...but when I venture out, I post here, Parenting and occasionally Baby Names.
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  • I lurk on Attachment Parenting, and have posted a few questions on Cloth Diapering.
  • I lurk on attachment parenting and nursery gear. Sometimes I check out the 0-3 months and baby names. On the nest I recenly started posting on the entertainment board.
    After 2years TTC and 1yr,2mo waiting for an adoption match, our blessing is here!

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  • IF board for me.  
    ttc since 10-09 first visit with RE 09-10 ME-everything ok DH- AZOOSPERMIA...biopsy confirmed Sertoli Only Cell syndrome Donor IUI#4 was the charm (8-27-11) with 125iuFollistim/Ovidrel/Endometrin/PIO/vit D beta #1 9/8/11....BFP!!! : ) @ 47.7 beta...#2 9/15/11... 1,998 beta#3 9/22/2011- 27,900 Baby's hb seen @6w2d ! 1-3-2012 20 wk u/s everything lookin' good! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am a regular on adoption, babies 3-6 months (a few more weeks and i'll move up to Babies:  6-9 months) and Northern California Babies.  I lurk on preemies and working moms.
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