DS was up all night for 2 nights last week so we made a trip to pedi and found out he had an ear infection...his first one. No other symptoms, eating fine and no tugging on ear, just waking several times a night.
Once we started antibiotics slept fine for 5 nights and now in the past two nights he is up again...last night it was 2-5AM straight. Just wanting to be held and sleep on my shoulder, as soon as he is back in crib he wants out again.
We are still taking antibiotics...do you think he is getting worse?? DH thinks he just wants us and its not his ears, but I disagree.
Re: Frequent ear inf moms come in
Even if he still has 2-3 days of antibiotics left at home??
That's happened to us before -- where the symptoms seem to fade after a couple days on antibiotics and then they come back.
It sucks with ear infections since there's no way to know what's going on unless a professional looks at them. (and even then, it seems to be a sort-of subjective diagnosis. Our old pedi told us the ears were clear and then another doctor said they were "raging, purple and bulging" the next day....but, I digress.)
You could wait until the course of antibiotics is done and then take him back or you could see how tonight goes and then go back. I'd still take him for an ear check, though. Just for peace of mind -- and to get it documented so if he needs tubes later, there's sufficient history to back them up.
yes, he may have a double Ear infection.
The antibiotics may have not cured it completely the first time. I would take him back to the Dr to see. Good luck, ear infections are miserable.
This is how I always understood it. Antibiotics will not clear up the drainage. They will get rid of the infection, but the fluid will still be in the ear, thus, pain.
My oldest son got tubes at 1 year. I know some won't agree, but I highly recommend it. In fact, I've often joked that it should be part of the whole deal before they are discharged from the hospital after birth...
Good luck, ear infections are not fun for anyone in the house!