
Did anyone have luck with naked pting?

My DD is 21 1/2 months and we started pting on Monday. I believe she can do it. She is already asking to go 8-10 times a day, tells us when she pees most of the time and poos all of the time. She is not dry at naptime or bedtime but she can fully talk and understands the concept of going potty.

Anyway, on Monday I put some panties on her and she does pretty well in those. The accidents that she has had have been with the panties. When she is completely naked she gets to the potty almost every time.

Right now , I am letting her run around just in panties but what do I do when it comes time to go out and about. We will obviously still have her in a diaper the first few times but she likes being naked so much I have a feeling she will never want to get dressed again. LOL!

Can you let me know if naked pting worked? How long it took? And if learning with clothes on was a transition.



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Re: Did anyone have luck with naked pting?

  • I did mainly naked PTing and it worked fine except the poop part...he would hold it til bed time when I gave him a pull up and the instant I put clothes on him he'd pee and/or poop...So I took away the pull ups and bought two twin size mattress saver things to go on top of the sheets and within two weeks he was poop, pee, and overnight trained... he started having accidents poop and pees on the way to the potty though which was gross but it only took a couple weeks for him to recognize the signs a bit earlier...And then I gave him his clothes back when at home...I bought a lot of chlorox spray...I also had him help me clean it up and didn't get upset about it which I think helped (he had just turned three at that point) Good Luck!  BTW, we live in the South and I keep the house around 80 or so and this was over the summer so I would just make sure it's not too cold.
  • I did it with both my boys and it worked out great.  I did need to dedicate about a week where we just didn't leave the house for the most part.  After the first week we made a few short outings in underwear and then we were potty trained.  There were few accidents actually, it went easier then I thought it would.  Especially with my first son, he was trained a few months before three and it was really easy.  My youngest struggled a little more, so we stopped for a bit and tried again shortly after his third birthday and he picked it up quickly.  I think the key is they must be ready.

    Good luck!

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