I dream regularly about my teeth and it totally creeps me out. I won't describe what happened in my dream last night bc it's completely disgusting. However, I didn't know if other people frequently dreamed about their teeth being loose, falling out, missing, etc. too.
Anyone? Or am I the only crazy?
Re: Anyone dream about their teeth (loose, falling out...)
Yes I have the same dream all the time! Its either I have a HUGE wad of bubblegum stuck in my teeth and cant get it out...the more I pulled stuff out the bigger the wad gets. Or I dream that my teeth would come out tooth by tooth by tooth...I keep trying to push it back in but it just falls out.
I hate those dreams!
Yes, a lot of teeth dreams. They are usually loose and I'm trying to keep them in.
I have loose teeth dreams when I feel like I'm losing control of something. Stress, etc.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
YES!!! I have vivid dreams nearly nightly...and this one is a common one....and its always a tiny bit different, but sorta the same.
Usually its that a tooth or two fall out and I'm embarrassed by it...but sometimes ALL my teeth are falling out and I'm spitting them out, with blood and everything, and can't get them to stop falling out.
I think this dream is part of the reason I CAN.NOT handle my kids loose teeth....I can handle all other gross parts of parenting, but not loose teeth....I get lightheaded when DH is wiggling my DD's tooth across the room.