Baby Names

Help settle a spelling debate, please...

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Re: Help settle a spelling debate, please...

  • i've said it both ways
  • I voted Mee-la.

    However, if you're following rules of English phonetics, 'Milla' (one of the spellings your proposed) cannot be pronounced mee-lah. It would be mihl-ah/mill-ah, as in the word 'mill.' So, whatever you do, do not go wit that spelling. It might be a correct spelling in other countries, but with English as our national language, it wouldn't be correct or logical here.

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  • Without having heard it pronounced, I thought it was My-la. But if you spelled it Mela I would think it was Mel-a. I guess I'm not much help.
  • I always think of Mila Kunis or Mila Jovovich. Both pronounce it Mee-la.

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    Meimsx no more
  • imagemeimsx:
    I always think of Mila Kunis or Mila Jovovich. Both pronounce it Mee-la.

    This.  And I'm pretty sure he knows who both of those lovely women are  ;) 

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  • Mila = Meelah

    Milla= Mill-ah

    Mela = Mel-ah

    At least, that's how I see them. Also, I know a Mila who pronounces it Meelah, so I guess I don't even think about the phonetics of it. 

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I voted Mye-la. I didnt even think of mila kunis or jovovich... but was thinking of a feminine version of Milo, which I pronoiunce Mye-lo.

    I think its fine to call her mee-la and use the Mila spelling, but be prepared for some people to mispronounce her name growing up

  • Some may pronounce it mill-ah
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  • To be honest, I am not familiar with this name so I would have guessed my-luh.
  • Thanks, ya'll!

    DH can be crazy, and hopefully the overwhelming majority will help him see the error of his ways.

    FWIW, Milla Jovovich spells her name with two l's, but pronounces it Mee-la. She's wrong, too. Stick out tongue

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  • Mee-la.
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