However, if you're following rules of English phonetics, 'Milla' (one of the spellings your proposed) cannot be pronounced mee-lah. It would be mihl-ah/mill-ah, as in the word 'mill.' So, whatever you do, do not go wit that spelling. It might be a correct spelling in other countries, but with English as our national language, it wouldn't be correct or logical here.
Re: Help settle a spelling debate, please...
I voted Mee-la.
However, if you're following rules of English phonetics, 'Milla' (one of the spellings your proposed) cannot be pronounced mee-lah. It would be mihl-ah/mill-ah, as in the word 'mill.' So, whatever you do, do not go wit that spelling. It might be a correct spelling in other countries, but with English as our national language, it wouldn't be correct or logical here.
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
This. And I'm pretty sure he knows who both of those lovely women are
Mila = Meelah
Milla= Mill-ah
Mela = Mel-ah
At least, that's how I see them. Also, I know a Mila who pronounces it Meelah, so I guess I don't even think about the phonetics of it.
I voted Mye-la. I didnt even think of mila kunis or jovovich... but was thinking of a feminine version of Milo, which I pronoiunce Mye-lo.
I think its fine to call her mee-la and use the Mila spelling, but be prepared for some people to mispronounce her name growing up
Thanks, ya'll!
DH can be crazy, and hopefully the overwhelming majority will help him see the error of his ways.
FWIW, Milla Jovovich spells her name with two l's, but pronounces it Mee-la. She's wrong, too.