
I thought we already "knew" each other from the AP board!

Anyway, my son's recovery has been fantastic.  We were one year post-op on September 24 and he is growing and thriving and has a fabulously round head.  Hardest day (week/month/etc.) ever, but totally worth it.

How is your DD?  Seems like she had her surgery on the "late" side... once we got the diagnosis, our neurosurgeon wanted to operate ASAP.

Re: **erbear**

  • Kate was one year post-op on October 15! No issues, she looks awesome and I'm so glad it's behind us. She was diagnosed at 8 weeks, but our docs operate between 7-8 months.  So I'd say it was a rough 6 months for us :(  But, like I said, it's over and she's great.

    Question for you....are you doing anything differently this time around? My doc offered me a cranio-facial u/s to check for cranio around 32 weeks. I'm undecided whether or not I'll do it. What do you think?

    "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies. God damn it, you've got to be kind." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • Well, I'm not PG yet so I haven't really though much about it.  In fact, I will have to find a new doctor/midwife when (or hopefully before) I get PG again because my old practice of MWs (and their doctors) does not do VBACs.  I think I would probably opt for the cranio-facial u/s just to know for sure.  Have your doctors or neurosurgeons ever speculated about the cause of cranio?  DS was transverse for about 6-7 weeks in the 3rd tri (he finally turned head-down at 37.5 weeks).  I've read a few things that suggest that baby's position in utero can cause cranio.
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