Cloth Diapering

I think I want to switch to cloth...

and I know nothing about it. Is there any good website you can recommend?

Maybe I should give it a test run before I make the investment. If so, are there a few I should try out first?

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Re: I think I want to switch to cloth...

  • There is a FAQ at the top of the board. If you want to try several different brands/types of diapers before you invest, I suggest you do a diaper trial. I did the one at and it helped me figure out a few diapers I liked to get me started. I kept what I liked and sent back the rest.
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  • When I was first researching cloth, my favorite website was Jillian's Drawers. Their "new to cloth" section has a drop down of really helpful stuff. They do have a trial diaper program as well.


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  • definitely look at jillian's drawers and do the trial. 

    other websites that have been helpful to me/where I've bought diapers:


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