We are both so bummed out! But b/c the Detroit Police Dept. can't get their sh!t straight all our plans are screwed. (All DPD has to work Halloween and the two nights prior. My DH will be on the west side patrolling which he usually doesn't do anymore.)
First he wasn't and we worked something out with the neighbors. Then the Dept. said that he was working until 6pm so he was going to rush home to make it. So I canceled the neighbor thing. Then yesterday they changed their mind and decided that he will be working 5pm to 1am). And I'm not going to ask again...
I'm so tired of them doing this to us like he doesn't have a life and no one makes plans in advance. Uggg... I'm just really disappointed!
Re: DH is Missing Halloween!
K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12