I just wanted to share my experience with you ladies. When I was doing research I did not know anyone who had gone through one. I hope that my experience may help someone else out there!
My 1st delivery was not a good experience for me. My water broke on its own a few days before due date, contractions started, at 5 minutes we went to the hospital. I opted not to get an epi. My contractions were 1-2 minutes apart by the time I got there and they told me I was already in transitional labor, so not much longer to go. It was super painful and I got no rest in between contractions. The Dr. came in after 7 hours to check me and I was not even 2 cm dilated. I "knew" I could not go on like this so I got the epi. I then dilated to 7cm and stalled. The doctors followed the 1 cm per hour thing, and when I didn't dilate after 2 hours, they recommended an emergency c-section. This was 18 hours after my water broke. Baby was stable, but my temp. was 100.4, which they told me meant I was probably getting an infection. I then got an emergency c-section. The epi didn't work so I got knocked out (general anesthesia). Baby was healthy and recovery wasn't bad either.
With my second, I consulted with my Doctor (a new one, and new hospital this time). She told me that I was not a good candidate for a VBAC, because women who have failure to progress like I did, usually have narrow pelvises and the baby will likely not fit through, which meant I'd probably need another emergency c-section. I reluctantly agreed to schedule my c-section and then consulted with the anesthesiologist because of my issues last time. I woke up the morning of my scheduled c-section to a loud "pop" and then gush of water. Same like with DC #1, so I knew I was in labor. By the time I got to the hospital 3 hours later I had dilated to 7cm (keep in mind I was not dilated at all prior to going into labor). I opted for an epidural at that point, and progressed to 10 cm an hour later. After pushing 2 hours, the baby was "right there" but not coming out. The Doctor told me she recommended a vaccum, which did nothing. Then she told me she would like to try forceps, because she believed DS would come out in one push. Before he came out, they redosed me on the anesthesia because forcepts are EXTREMELY painful, and because the epi had worn off. Turns out I'm one of those people where the epi metabolizes so fast that it wears off in about an hour. Forceps worked, and out he came. If you ever have forceps, take my advice and request an epi. I was not torn at all before, but after the forceps I had to be hospitalized several times over the next few weeks because of the tearing. The recovery was much, much worse than my c-section. HOWEVER, I am so very glad I was able to do a VBAC. Because of the general anesthesia the first time, I never got to see my DD being born, and my DH was not allowed in the room either when they pulled her out. This time DH and I got to experience the whole thing. If and when I have number 3, I will plan to VBAC this time, and hope for the best.
Bottom line was that deliveries with DC #2 go much faster, and though I needed a bit of help at the end, I was able to birth the baby vaginally. Despite what the doctor told me about my pelvis being too narrow, the baby descended through the canal just fine and in a mere 4 hours I went from 0 cm to 10 cm dilated. The first time I went from 0-7cm in 18 hours, and then stalled. Second babies are usually easier labors than first. From what I've been told from the doctor, third labors are usually even shorter (so fingers crossed!). Good luck ladies!
Re: Positive VBAC experience
Thanks for sharing your story! It really gives me hope, since I was also told that my pelvis was too small for a vaginal delivery.