
Autobiography length?

Hello all, I am new to the board.  DH & I recently started our homestudy for a domestic adoption.  I am in the processing of writing my autobiography and wondered what the average length range of these are?  Mine is about 7 pages right now.  TIA! Looking forward to participating on the board.

Re: Autobiography length?

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    There is no average length that it has to be. Write as much as you feel comfortable with. We've had people posting on there that theirs was significantly different in length from their spouse's, and our general advice was to tell your story the way you want to.

    FWIW, mine was 10 pages. I have no idea how long DH's was.


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    Mine was about 7 or 8 pages but it can be as long as it needs to be.

    Good luck!

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    Ours were 1 typed page each.
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    Well.....We are doing our home study paper work and an autobiography is not even mentioned in it. They told us once we turn in the stack of papers we have, then they do the actual homestudy.  I haven't asked them in detail what all else there is, but we are having a phone conference with our agency tomorrow afternoon, so I guess we will ask them then. hmmmm lol.

    I'm sure if I have to do a autobiography it will be several pages long. Good luck!

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    We were told to have 6-10 pages double spaced. I'm not done with mine yet, but it's already at 5 pages single spaced.  :oP
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