Hi everyone,
I was a regular poster over on the August boards as my due date was August 30th..however my DS was born at exactly 34 weeks on July 20 due to my blood pressure sky rocketing. he was born at 4lbs 6 oz..im exclusivly pumping since he was in the NICU for 11 days..he is now almost 12 lbs and doing awesome..but I still struggle with figuring out how "old" he actually is...anyone else have this or is it just me?
Re: new to this board
Welcome to the board!
I only tell people DD's actual age. I have to look at my ticker to figure out her adjusted age. So far no one has questioned me about her age, except one lady at Costco who asked if she was a preemie. Everyone else either assumes she's small because I'm small, or doesn't know how big babies should be anyway.
Like PP said, to figure out adusted age, take LO's current age and subtract 6 weeks (or 1 1/2 months).
I think your right. I was due 8/5, but delivered 6/27.