My LO was born at 31w. She is now 14months adjusted and still not walking. If I stand behind her and try to help her she gets jelly legs and acts like I'm hurting her! lol She's a drama queen. My girlfriends LO is 10 months and just starting to walk so it's hard not to compare... everyone tells me not to worry she will when she's ready. I know all babies are different, but when did your preemies start walking? I'm just always paranoid and think the worse!!
Re: I know all babies are different...
I know it's hard..
He started walking at 17 months adjusted...hang there!
My FULL TERM son didn't walk until 14+ months. So you're still in a normal range. He never walked and then one morning just woke up and did it.
If your pedi isn't concerned, I wouldn't worry.
20 months actual/17 adjusted.
I was pretty stressed about it, too. (He had a TON of other gross motor delays as well) But you know.. it's funny. He's now 28 months and all over the place and no one ever asks. As worried as I was about it, once it's done, the when doesn't matter.. just that he does it eventually.
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