
Two Chickens

I was wondering how your friend is doing. Did she have the baby?
Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Two Chickens

  • No!  She's still pregnant!  Plenty of fluid, plenty of movement.  She's now at 23w, 4d 3 days she can get steroids to help the baby's lungs.  

     They're naming the baby Rebecca...and they call her Becca.  Its so sweet.  And Becca's chances of survival increase to 70% if she makes it to 24 weeks. 

  • That's great news! I'll pray little Becca stays put. 

    My mom hated Becky, so I was and still am Bekah. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • I'm not sure why they decided on Becca instead of Becky.  But...whatever works.  
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