Hello there,
I have a 15 month old son and I never even thought about cloth diapering. I have a hard enough time changing disposable poopy diapers. Now that I am pregnant with twins and will have 3 children in diapers for a while I am thinking about trying cd due to the cost. It seems that everyone who uses them loves them and swears it is not hard as it seems. Where do I start? Any advice you have will be great. It just seems so overwhelming!
Re: Where do I begin?
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
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We started when LO hit 10 lbs with 6 used BG 3.0 I got off Craigslist. We are still expanding our stash, but I couldn't afford to buy all my diapers and everything else for LO before she was born, so we are using a mix of sposies and CD as we increase our stash with the hope to be completely CD by the end of the year.
Maybe try to get some OS diapers for your older child and see how that goes to start and move slowly. It has really been the best option for my family.