Since we've already posted our diaper stashes and our wool stashes, I figured we could start an insert stash thread. I'm not counting the mf inserts that came with most of my diapers, just "after-market" inserts.
We have:
2 Weehuggers inserts
6 AFFF hemp inserts
2 small GMD hemp doublers
2 large GMD stay-dry hemp doublers
4 medium JoeyBunz
7 small Loopy-Dos
5 medium Loopy-Dos (two haven't yet arrived)
2 medium Super-Dos
10 BB OS mf/hemp combo inserts
9 KL0 doublers (just bought them; they haven't arrived yet).
Re: Post your insert/doubler stash
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
i have the inserts that came in my 7 BG 3.0s and in my one swaddlebees econappi.
for after market, i have 14 thirsties hemp inserts (large) that i use in pretty much every pocket diaper (with a BG microfiber on top..... big ones for the overnights, infant ones for the daytime) and 3 thirsties duo hemp and microfiber combo inserts in the mail right now.
i am trending toward making my stash mostly BG organics so i'm not that invested in my pockets right now.
I don't use microfiber. I know I have a bunch of random microfiber and MF/hemp combo inserts in my closet, but I don't use them at all. I've had stink issues with MF in the past and don't want to go back there.
Sooooo... I'm mostly bamboo, a little bit of hemp.
20 Weehuggers, size large (from the Swaddlebees clearance)
6 Weehuggers, size small (from the Swaddlebees clearance)
9 Greenhorn Playtime, size large
1 Greenhorn Playtime, size medium
4 Greenhorn Super Sleepytime, size medium (these are DD's inserts -- she only wears diapers overnight)
9 Joey Bunz, size small
2 Joey Bunz, size medium
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
We have a hodge-podge of inserts because I tried a little of this and that when we first got started with CD. Most of the random stuff is in our newborn stash and the "regular" stuff is in our baby/toddler stash.
6 Thirsties small doublers (these we will use for sure)
6 Knickernappies stay dry hemp small doublers (not sure if I care about these or not, we'll see this week..hehe)
5 Stuffins ovals (not sure why we have these, but I put them inside prefolds for a little extra absorbency)
6-9 Thirsties large doublers (can't remember if I bought 2 or 3 sets, but we use these)
12+ Hemp Babies Little Weeds
2 AFFF hemp
14 Blueberry combo inserts **my favorites**
4 Loopy Do mediums
2 Super Do mediums
9 Grobaby Doublers-organic cotton
8 Small Loopy Dos
1 Large Babykicks Hemparoo Joey Bunz
2 RaR Hemp 6r soakers
Tons of Microfiber inserts
2 Thirsties hemp
some fleece liners I made.
MIL took my hemp fleece fabric home last night so I should have a bunch of new hemp inserts later today!
12 AFFF hemp
We barely use them all.
We have:
3 Hemp babies
3 Stay dry hemp doublers by SMJAE (small)
3 Stay dry hemp doublers by SMJAE (large)
6 sweetbottoms fleece liners