
Adoption Party Today - the good vs. could've been better


DH and I took the first step to pursuing adoption today and I'm so happy we did!  We attended an "Adoption Party" today at Jordan's Furniture in Reading, MA.  We had absolutely no idea what to expect.  We didn't know how many people would be there and how much information we would be able to get.  Overall, we were pleased.

To start - it was packed.  There were so many people there - which is good thing that that many people are interested in pursuing adoption - but there weren't really enough representatives and social workers to handle the crowd.  With the event only being 2 hours, we spent the majority of our time waiting in line to speak with someone and then once we got to the front of the line, we kind of felt rushed.  Plus, there were only about 9-12 agencies represented there which is not a lot at all.

But, aside from that, we were able to get a lot of good information about taking the next step.  We're now going to research agencies and hopefully find one quickly so we can sign up for our MAPP training.  We we able to speak to a woman who has had over 300 foster children in her home over the past 20+ years.  She told us both positive and negative stories about her experiences and gave us some things to think about.  We also spoke with another woman who adopted a sibling group which is exactly what DH and I would like to do.

So there you go!  I guess we're officially underway!

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Re: Adoption Party Today - the good vs. could've been better

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    Glad it went well and you got some info to get on your way!
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    I'm so excited to see you start the adoption process!  Researching agencies was sometimes confusing and stressful.  Although all the research and homestudy kept me busy and gave me purpose.  The wait is the hardest part! 

    I hope everything moves along quickly and don't be afraid to ask tons of questions here as they come up!

    TTC #1 since 12/07 SA 9/08=borderline normal HSG 1/09 found R tube blocked Multiple IUIs both with oral and injectible drugs from 2/09-2/11 Started domestic adoption process in 5/10, homestudy complete 9/10 Failed adoption after home with baby for 2 weeks 11/10 Blessed through the miracle of private adoption with a son, born 6/6/11 (his grandma's bday) 7lbs 9oz 20.5 inches long! So worth the wait!
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