
My chances?

I'm a first-timer (25 years old) and was curious about my chance of having twins....

My husband is a fraternal twin

My maternal grandmother was a fraternal twin

I have a higher BMI

I think (THINK is the key here!) that I've been having round ligament pains in the middle of my fifth week.  They've lasted about 10 minutes in the middle of the night a few times since my BFP.  No bleeding with the cramps. From what I've been researching it seems that if you have early RLP this could be a sign of multiples.  

I have my first dr. appointment Nov. 1.... 




Re: My chances?

  • Your husband being a twin has absolutely zero effect on your getting pregnant with twins.  His sperm are inable to coax extra eggs out of your ovaries.

    Your maternal g'ma being a fraternal twin probabaly raises your chances a smidge.  Just a smidge, though.

    Early RLP = possible twins?  Where did you research that?  Do you eat a lot of yams? 

    Only way to know is an u/s.

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  • I didn't think my husband did.  Just wasn't sure!

    And no, my yam intake has been minimal.

     Just thought I'd get some opinions! Thanks :) 

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  • Ultrasound is the only way to confirm multiples. FWIW, I had zero pregnancy symptoms, I wasn't doing IF treatments, my betas weren't ridiculously high, I didn't show earlier and twins don't run in my family. My twins are identical so genetics doesn't really play a role there. Good luck at your appointment though!
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  • Interesting! Thanks for the info :)
  • Your "RLP" is probably digestion related at this point.
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  • I had twins on my mothers side but far back (my greatgrandmother had one set of twins and one set of triplets)

    I had twin girls my first pregnancy at age 26. I had no idea until I had my 20 month ultra sound my bloodwork and and triple screen were normal. The only thing that will prove it is a ultrasound.

    As far as symptons I did have very very bad morning(more like all day sickness) from 7 weeks to 13 weeks. The only thing I was experiencing at 5 weeks was loss of sex drive and bad cramping (I didn't find out I was pregnant until 7 1/2 weeks.

    Good luck and let us know what happens.

  • Not sure where you read about the RLP, but with my first pregnancy, which was a singleton, I had very early RLP.  So not sure that is a sign.
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  • I am 25, 10 siblings between DH and me 6 out of the 10  were twins  (3 sets of fraternal twins) I was considered overweight on bmi, first babies, lost of crampiness at first. Found out at 8 weeks we are having identical twins (which found out is just luck and not anything genetic) so althought we are really similiar, I belive God gave us twins for a reason and I am just rolling with it!
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  • I turned 26 in Sept, got pregnant in August, and found out last week we are having twins. I had almost zero morning sickness, other then lots of stomach aches I really had a smooth first tri. We found out at our 12 week ultrasound, even picking up the heartbeat didn't catch 2. My mom was a twin, her mom was a twin and her grandma's mother was a twin so definately runs in our family although im the first of my siblings to have twins.

     You just won't know until the u/s. GL!

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