
Easel--does your 3-4 yr old play w/it a lot?

Wondering if it's worth getting one. They seem to take up a lot of room. What brand do you have, and do you recommend it?

Re: Easel--does your 3-4 yr old play w/it a lot?

  • Nope taking mine to Goodwill on Monday!
  • No.  We have two, the Ikea, and another Rose Art one outside.  She seldom uses either one.  The baby likes to color on the ikea one with chalk, but that is about all the use it gets and some chalkboard paint takes up a lot less space.
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  • NSLNSL member
    Yes, but his interest in it really ebbs and flows.  Some weeks he'll color on it every day, and then he'll abruptly prefer drawing at the kitchen table for the next month or so.  Unless you have a dedicated playroom, I wouldn't buy one because they do take up a lot of space and aren't exactly easy to store.
  • imageJOEBunny:
    some chalkboard paint takes up a lot less space.


    This.  This is about #3 on our project to-do list right now, but we're getting some thin drywall, painting with chalkboard paint, then going to frame out with trim...we're also putting magnetic pain behind it.  it will be on one wall in the playroom.  

  • No, but it's out in the garage so he can unless we go out there to paint or draw he never thinks about it.  We have the Melissa & Doug one.  I have to say though that MS isn't that into drawing.  He's VERY left handed and prefers to do way more active play.  Drawing/coloring has never interested far.
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  • No, just once every 2 weeks or so.
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