well i posted a few weeks ago, that my twins were growing at two different rates. and the doc would have to monitor them weekly to pull them out with out waiting to long (little one would eventually stop growing) and without taking to early. The doc discovered my placenta for smaller baby is shrinking. The doc put me on hospital bedrest monday. I was 28 weeks tuesday. So he monitors me daily, and gives me ultrasounds daily. So great way to start off my third trimester. I am here until we deliver........
Any ideas for what to do while on hospital bedrest?
Re: update
I spent 7 weeks on hospital bedrest, then 7 more on full bedrest at home, so I've (literally) been there. I'm sorry to hear that you're having to be there, though!
My hospital had a pretty nice setup in the antepartum unit which included a DVD player hooked up in my room and the unit had a library of DVDs and books to "borrow". Between that and movies my DH brought me from home, I spent a lot of time staring at the screen or at pages!
The hospital also had free wireless access, so had I been inclined to, I could have spent quite a bit of time and/or money on the internet shopping!
I know a number of ladies who spent their bedrest time doing needlepoint, cross-stitch, things like that.
I spent a lot of time on my cell phone......too much in fact! I had a cell phone bill one month that was almost 10 times my normal bill! Oops!
I was fortunate enough to have my mom visit almost daily, since she lives about 15 minutes away from the hospital. Since the twins were/are our first children, and we have no pets, my DH spent the nights at the hospital with me. Although it seemed kind of sad at the time, one of our favorite memories of my hospital stay was him bringing in Olive Garden to Go for Valentine's Day so that we could have non-hospital food that evening.
I am definitely a Type A personality, so I made TONS of lists out while on bedrest. Lists of things for my DH to do, lists of things for him or my mom to bring me, lists of things we still needed for the babies (since we hadn't done any more than put our cribs on order when I was put in the hospital), etc., etc.
Hope that might give you a few ideas! I'm sure the other ladies on here will have tons more!
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.