
Small annoyances

We're home with our son, finalized, and still being annoyed by our agency.

First, when we arrived home, they never contacted us about the required post-placement visits.  After 2 months, I finally called them and asked when they thought they might make their 2-week post-placement visit.  Someone dropped the ball, and they are all blaming one another, but we don't really care, since we've finalized and it will just make them look bad.  The only post placement reports we care about are the ones that fall on the 6 month marks, because those go back to Peru and will help keep the program open and running for other families.

Along with dropping the ball on the post-placement visits, no one is helping us with the re-adopt process.  This is a paperwork process that we have to do to get a US-issued certificate of live birth and adoption decree, so we don't have to worry about using the Peruvian documents for a life-long.  The post-placement worker at our agency was very rude when I asked her about the process, and said that because we live so far away our social worker or the NJ office should help us.  The head of the NJ office won't return our calls, and our social worker is pretty clueless about the process, since she really just does home visits.  I'm about to call our program worker on Monday about this, and if nothing happens, I will let loose on the director.  I've been storing up a list of complaints for her, so it will be high time I give her a call.

Right now, we are sitting around waiting for our case worker for our second post placement visit.  She's two hours late.  When I called her an hour ago, I woke her and she lives about an hour away, so I'm not expecting her to show for at least another half hour.  This is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday; there's a reason we scheduled for 10 a.m., and it was because we still wanted to be able to enjoy some time outside our day off.


Re: Small annoyances

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    Two hours late!  Wow!!!

    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
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    Two hours late!  Wow!!!

    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
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    I would say these are a little more than "small" annoyances! Holy batman, someone would be getting a new you know what!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Our placement agency has been our main agency for everything, but they are out of state and we had to use a different agency as our homestudy agency, who also does the post placement visits. Our placement agency has a handbook that sort of gives us an order of how things are to be done (but you have to go digging online for it.)


    Both agencies tell me that the other one is responsible for guiding us through the post placement stuff (COC, SSN, re-finalizing, etc.).


    I'm sort of like you. I feel like I've had to do the majority of it myself. In my opinion I'm starting to feel like most agencies probably need a stronger post placement system.


    We have refinalized (a couple of weeks ago), we applied for her SSN but I'm waiting on her new BC before I can apply to the COC and then change the SS status from resident alien.


    Thank goodness for online forums with other IA families. :):):)  

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