Two Under 2

Am I missing anything? (buying stuff for #2)

I'm trying to make a general list of things to buy in case there are some good black Friday deals, or mom-to-mom sales, etc.


So far I know we'll need another convertible car seat (already have an infant seat, and the convertible will need to be new), another convertible crib (new), probably another booster/highchair, a double stroller, and probably 12 or so more one-size cloth diapers.  If it's a girl probably a few pink items, though she'll probably be a little tomboy in her big brother's clothes because he had so many he barely wore them all.  Anything else you can think of?  Thanks in advance! 

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Re: Am I missing anything? (buying stuff for #2)

  • - a new monitor if they will be in separate rooms

    - are you getting new bedding/decor/hamper/etc? or reusing?

    - new bibs - I had thrown out a lot of DS1's stained, gross ones

    - we got a second Diaper Champ, although you probably don't use those if you CD

    - we went through a lot more changing pad covers with 2 in diapers, so we got a few more of those too


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    Logan David 03.27.08
    Jacob Riley 05.18.09
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  • Regarding cloth diapering for two:   I got extra pail liners and an extra pail.   I just had a small one and it barely held 1 days worth of 2 kids in cloth diapers!
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  • imagelovemytwoboys:

    - a new monitor if they will be in separate rooms

    - are you getting new bedding/decor/hamper/etc? or reusing?

    - new bibs - I had thrown out a lot of DS1's stained, gross ones

    - we got a second Diaper Champ, although you probably don't use those if you CD

    - we went through a lot more changing pad covers with 2 in diapers, so we got a few more of those too


    Great suggestions!  We'll probably just reuse bedding, but I hadn't thought that we'll probably need a few more fitted sheets.  And bibs, yikes, DS's are gross.  I hadn't thought about the second baby monitor either, which is important. 

    Basically everything you listed!  And the other poster is right, we'll need another diaper pail and liner too. 

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  • On my list as well is some new onesies and burp cloths- DS was a reflux baby and wrecked a lot of stuff! So even with a second boy, we still need them!

    All the stuff for the baby's room- bedding, bookcase, lamps, laundry basket, wipes/ diaper holder, mattress, mattress cover, new bottle nipples. I'll be nursing, but going back to work, plus DH likes to give a bottle or 2 as well. 

    That's all I can think of for now!

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  • Do you need a larger diaper bag?  Other than that, our list looked pretty much like yours (although I bought way more than 12 extra CDs ...).  We also bought a mini co-sleeper, since we've moved since DD1 was born, and our new MBR is too small for the PNP that DD1 slept in at first.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • We've got a huge diaper bag, so I think that should be set.

    Yeah, I'm having a hard time sticking to "just" 12 more CDs, even though we have about 30 for my son and I tend to wash every other day...


    We're probably going to use the tiny bassinet by my bed again, too.  Thanks for the suggestions though! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is what I have bought because of #2:

    - double stroller
    - girl clothes
    - new crib
    - new glider
    - new bedding
    - new pacifiers
    - (bigger) diaper bag for 2 in cloth
    - a few replacements for my NB cloth diaper stash, refined the stash a bit
    ( the time she is in the OS pockets I expect our son to be a little closer to potty training and using fewer diapers per day, meaning we won't need any extra diapers in our overall stash.)

    I think I could need more burp cloths if she is as much of a spitter as her brother was (many of his burp cloths have been assigned other jobs lately), but I will wait to see what kind of spitter she is before buying more.

    I may find a need for more washcloths because we do burn through them quickly with just our son...we'll see on that.

    I bought a new high chair because I hated ours and the new one has a booster seat combined with a high chair (so 2 kids can use it at the same time). If I hadn't hated our old chair I wouldn't have bought the new one; but the new one will suit our needs better without needing to buy a separate booster.

    I am waiting on a 2nd monitor because my son's is VERY sensitive (can hear him breathing from across the room) and it might work well enough in her room to pick up his calls/cries through the wall that they share. She won't be in her room for 2-3 months, so the monitor won't be an issue until then at least. By then I will have a chance to test it and will know for sure if I need a 2nd one.

    I think I have to buy new bottle nipples, but I'm not sure. They say you're supposed to replace them regularly so I'll have to research that to see. My son didn't take a bottle too often so the ones we have didn't get much use, but maybe they age or something.

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  • -I got a new breast pump (Medela PISA) b/c my last one was so slow and I figured with an infant and toddler I would need a more efficient pump (plan on mostly nursing but would like H or gma to give a bottle a day or so)

    -Moby wrap....I had a hotsling with DS and it killed my back so I got the Moby this time around. I think wearing the baby will help a lot when trying to do stuff with DS. I also have a babyhawk for when he gets older

    -I need to get a new miracle blanket. DS used his until 5 months old and it has a tear in it.

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  • We got most of the stuff that others got, and we bought a second pack and play.  We kept DS's at our IL's house, and with 2, I found I needed another place to keep DS confined while I have been trying to get DD to nap, and another place for DD to nap when DS is napping in their room.  I figured when we travel, we will need another place for DD to sleep anyway.  I have already gotten tons of use out of it!

    Otherwise, it was the crib/dresser, double stroller, diaper champ, changing pad, changing pad cover, pacifiers, new nipples for bottles, and girl stuff.  Good luck!

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  • imagelaura1:

    We got most of the stuff that others got, and we bought a second pack and play.  We kept DS's at our IL's house, and with 2, I found I needed another place to keep DS confined while I have been trying to get DD to nap, and another place for DD to nap when DS is napping in their room.  I figured when we travel, we will need another place for DD to sleep anyway.  I have already gotten tons of use out of it!

    Otherwise, it was the crib/dresser, double stroller, diaper champ, changing pad, changing pad cover, pacifiers, new nipples for bottles, and girl stuff.  Good luck!


    Ooh, good thought.  We never got a pack n play and we regretted it bitterly up north with my family last summer, because we had to try to get our son to sleep in our bed.  He's a space hog, so it was miserable.

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