I'll be giving cloth diapering a try once LO gets here in December.
I have some questions to mothers that have cloth diapered little boys. We do plan on circ. our LO if that helps with the answers you may provide. Did you start cloth diapering your newborn baby boy as soon as you took them home from the hospital or did you wait awhile? What should I be aware of for little boys? If you didn't start right away when did you start?
I'm a little concerned about putting on vaseline or neosporin on his member and then getting that out of the cloth prefolds. Also we are using Weehuggers with bamboo and cloth prefolds, if that helps with any answers too.
Re: Newborn boys and cloth diapering questions
We didn't use cd's until ds was two months old. We had aio pockets and they didn't fit until then. I probably would've just used disposables, we would have only needed to buy one package cause we had almost a full package when we came home from the hospital.
But I guess that liners would prevent the vasoline from getting on the diapers.
This. We waited one week and DS has been in cloth ever since.
It took us about a month to get into CDing for the majority of the time. He was circ'd and we actually are STILL putting A&D ointment on it because he has had issues with it rehealing (a not that uncommon issue apparently if you don't regularly pull back the skin on the shaft...wish I'd known that before! I was afraid to hurt him so we weren't doing it enough. Ask your pedi if you have any questions!) SO, I just bought fleece because I'm tired of using disposos so much.
But, regardless of the circ issue, I was way to hormonal/sleep deprived/overwhelmed to even attempt to CD right out of the gate. With future babies, I will aim to start from the get go. For the first kid, I don't regret giving ourselves some time to adjust. We had a bunch of disposables that were given to us and we have only had to buy a few boxes to deal with the ointment issue. However, we MUCH prefer CDing and try to stick with it as much as 100% of the time now as we can as we build our stash and what not.
this too, a friend got me 7th generation dips b/c I knew I couldn't use CD with the vasaline... if I have a boy next time I'll just use a fleece liner and CD from day 1!
Thank you ladies!!