
Switching Car Seats?

After you switched to convertible car seats, how did you go anywhere? We're just about outgrown the carriers, my problem is when I go get groceries and stuff I keep them in the carriers and just put them both in the cart and stack groceries around. They can't really sit up well enough to put them in the cart with no support, and I would really like to avoid the "push/pull" system. Also, what about getting them in and out of the house? Did you just carry one, then go back for the other? Should I try and wait it out as long as possible before switching (wait until they can sit unassisted?)

DS would probably be ok, but DD will be awhile yet....

Re: Switching Car Seats?

  • i waited until they could sit (around 6 mo). for shopping carts and for high chairs when we went out to eat it was the only way without the carriers. i do put one in the car at a time and then go back in to get the other one. my guys were super chunks by then (around 18 lbs) so i know what you mean, it's a lot to carry, but the sitting was a must for me.
  • We switched to convertible car seats when my boys were 7.5m old, which was around the time they started sitting unassisted. I don't remember having them sit in the grocery cart until they were almost 10m old though, so I think I just went through a phase where I would only run errands with them if it was someplace I could just use the stroller; heavy-duty grocery shopping was done when DH was home to watch the boys. I would probably hang on to the infant seats a bit longer if you can, at least for your smaller baby, and then you could wear your bigger baby and put the smaller one in the infant seat in the cart.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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  • For us, we have waited.  We are just switching ours out this week (10 months old) because 2 of my LO's have reached the weight/height limit on the seat.  In my opinion, the infant carriers are a lot easier.  You can strap them into it when your indoors and just click them in (great in inclimate weather) and have someplace for them to be when not sitting up on their own. 
  • I don't have any actual experience with this yet, but once DS is able to sit in the cart, could you carry DD in a sling or something while shopping?  You  could park by the cart corral and use a cart from there to get you from the parking lot to the store.

    That's just something I have thought of doing, since I'm already worried about how I will ever go anywhere by myself with the babies and the push a stroller, pull a cart method doesn't sound like something my coordination skills can handle - those carts are unruly and strollers can be too!!

  • I just switched my boys a couple weeks ago. They were almost at the limits and I could not stand carrying the infant seats anymore. They are both sitting well now. I have a Buggy Bagg cart cover that I use at the grocery store and they sit in highchairs at restaurants. The cart cover and high chair covers help them sit a little better. I also have a mei tai so I can wear one if I need to.

    I get them in and out of the car one at a time. I cant carry both anymore.

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