Baby Names

Brainfart-ed for a boy's name. Ready...Set...GO!

So...after a week home sick doing nothing but researching baby names, stalking this board, and shopping maternity clothes online, I've decided on a FOR SURE girl name. However, I honest to god can't find a boy name that I love, or even really really like. ='(

So calling all name nerds!!...Baby's family history is Irish/Scottish and Persian. I always prefer proper spelling, unless it's something that LOOKS misspelled when it's spelled correctly because the spelling is SO unusal (ie, if I ever liked the name Skylar, I don't like the spelling Schuyler). Other examples to get an idea of my "style".....I would never use names like Aiden/Jasper/Miles/Brayden... I dooo like Michael/Barrett/Leto/Peter.

Any suggestions are loved! Thanks in advance <3

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