
Attending Adoption Party on Sunday - gathering all my questions...


First things first...I know they aren't finalized yet, but OMG thank you for the FAQs!  They are beyond helpful... some of the information scared me, some of it excited me, but ALL of it helped me - thank you!

Now, this Sunday, DH and I are attending an "Adoption Party".  There will be social workers, families and agency reps there to answer any questions or concerns we have and oh, we have plenty!  I also heard today that there will be about 60 kids there who are all available to foster or adopt.

I have my list of questions and I'll be adding to it for the next few days.  Aside from the questions you all pose in the FAQ's, what information should I try to gather on Sunday?  Are there any questions you asked/wish you had asked when you started your adoption process?

Thanks Ladies!


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Re: Attending Adoption Party on Sunday - gathering all my questions...

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    I live in ma too. Even though we are doing domestic infant adoption, I think this might be a nice thing to attend. I will ask my husband if he is interested.

    I might want to foster someday.

    Anyways, Good luck on Sunday!

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    is this the one at Jordans?
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    I live in ma too. Even though we are doing domestic infant adoption, I think this might be a nice thing to attend. I will ask my husband if he is interested.

    I might want to foster someday.

    Anyways, Good luck on Sunday!

    Yup, this is the one being held at Jordans in Reading. Dh and I haven't even made a definite decision on what kind of adoption we want to pursue, but I'm told there is going to be a wealth of knowledge there, so what do we have to lose? I'll post about the day once we get home.
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