So I've posted before, just recently, about how everyone makes comments to me about my belly being so small for how far along I am, and how jealous I am of everyone's big bellies. Well - today - I am about to punch someone. I had 3 different people all in one hours time tell me "Oh my God, you're 7 months? You are too tiny! Is the baby okay?". I'm like seriously? First off, why would you ask me and try to freak me out saying "is the baby okay?", second off - everyone is freaking different! For me, I think over the last 2 weeks my belly has been growing a TON, but people at my work are just like "no, you're too small". So then I have to go and say - "The baby is great. I am measuring RIGHT on track. My doctor has not mentioned a word to me about being small. Every pregnant woman shows differently." The next person that asks me though - is not going to get my nice answer. I'm so tired of it!!! ERGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
02/14/09 D&E of our little girl, due to developmental problems at 23 weeks

01/04/10 Missed MC at 8 weeks

01/01/11 The birth of our beautiful little girl, Blake

My blog!
Re: OMG i am going to hit the next person.. (vent)
I know, right? It's just rude. IF there was something wrong, do they really think that's the best way to find out? I mean seriously.
I totally agree. I feel HUGE compared to what I've always been. When I lay in bed and see my stomach turned to the side I'm like HOLY CRAP! Its so freaking annoying what people will say to you. They really should keep their comments to themselves, because they only look stupid.
Same here.
It's crazy because I've gained 30 pounds!! I was a little underweight to begin with, but I'm definitely not "too small" by any means!
Yes thank you, my baby is fine, but YOU won't be in about 2 seconds if you keep asking me stupid a$$ questions !!
Everyone always has an opinion. Thanks guys...
How obnoxious! I'm glad no one has said anything to me. There's another pg chick in the building whose belly is bigger and she's due after me but I think everyone just assumes she's due first.
Of course, now it looks like my fluid is low and baby is small so the first person to say, "You're so small! Is the baby ok?" will feel really stupid when I answer!