Baby Names

So what do you think of these?

I am not a fan of weird names so I need a little help with this one-(DH picked it out b/c his name is Jason and he wanted a similar name if it's a boy)

Jaxson Everett?


Jackson Everett?

The only reason I am not totally for Jackson is I don't want people calling him Jack.

Re: So what do you think of these?

  • Jackson is a perfectly good name when spelled correctly!  Jaxson -- not so much, IMO.

    I like Everett too.

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  • Definitely Jackson. I grew up with a Jackson and no one ever called him Jack, always his full name. 
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  • Definitely Jackson, even with spelling it Jaxson you may get "Jack" or "Jax", you might as well spell it properly.
  • Jackson x100

    And he'll probably be called Jackson (Insert first letter of your last name) because holy wow every other boy I know is named Jackson.


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  • He could still be called Jack if you spell it Jaxson because it's pronounced the same as Jackson.

    Please do him a favor and spell it Jackson. 

    Jackson Everett sounds nice.

  • imagemj.reilly:

    DEFINITELY Jackson.

    Jaxson is just ... a bad mispelling.


    Thats what I am afraid of- I really didn't know if it is a common name spelled wrong or a new way to spell an old name.

     I am not into trendy names/trendy spellings. Thanks Ladies.

  • I don't like Jaxson or Jackson, but if you are going to use the name regardless, spell it Jackson.
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  • Jackson Everett x a billion.  I do not like the way Jaxson looks at all.

    Just correct people if they call him Jack.

  • Definitely Jackson.
  • Definitely Jackson. There's no reason to misspell it.

    Be aware, though---you can enforce his name up to a certain point, but once he's old enough to decide, your son may very well go by Jack. If you can't live with the NN, I wouldn't use the name.

    Just my two cents.

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  • I usually hate weird spellings but I love Jaxson. I think either way is great. And if someone starts calling him Jack just correct them right away.
  • If you spell it Jaxson, he will spend his whole life saying, "No, it's actually J-A-X..." or looking down at a piece of paper and seeing it spelled wrong.
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  • imagetamhen1979:
     I really didn't know if it is a common name spelled wrong or a new way to spell an old name.

    Same thing.

    New spelling = Misspelling 

    I'd go with Jackson.

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