
Zantac isn't working..?

Hey ladies!  I'm sort of new here.  Katie Beth has been on Zantac for about two weeks, and I only see a little improvement.  She still gags during feedings, and sounds like she's constantly trying to clear her throat.  I've cut out most obvious dairy, but not all.  Is dairy-free the next step, or should I get her Ped to change something?
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Re: Zantac isn't working..?

  • Most of us had MUCH better success with Prevacid. Same idea as Zantac- it takes up to 2 weeks to see the full effects, but you should see some improvement before then too. GL!
  • Both of my girls are on Zantac.  The BIGGEST improvement by far...was when our Pedi switched us to soy.  The girls went from Neosure...then tried regular formula-- but the Pedi switched them to soy,.....and once I put the girls on Isomil Soy.... they are soooooo happy.

    Less gas, no more projectile vomiting, no more spit ups after feeds, less fussing/crying.  They enjoy feeding time now.  And even sleep better.  YesGL!

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Both my twins had reflux.  DS was the spit up/vomit king, but rarely cried.  DD would burp, scream/cry, and not want to drink.  They were on both zantac AND prevacid after zantac alone was not enough.  We had to go to a GI specialist since our reg dr wasn't comfortable prescribing the amount of meds they needed.  We also used Nutramigen.  Hope you both get some relief soon!

    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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