Ok, so I'm having a weird issue with my KL0's. They were starting to smell kind of funky, really strong like pee after my LO pees in them. Obviously they will smell like pee, but it was a pretty yuck smell. I did an overnight soak with Rockin' Green, and then did our normal wash routine with them, with plenty of rinsing. While the strong smell is gone, there is a NEW smell in them after she pees. It is almost like a chemical smell, and burns my nose a tad. But its not "stinky" per say. Why would this smell just appear after doing a Rockin' Green soak?

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mommas I have gotten to know!

Addie Grace at 8 months - you will see plenty of her in our
365 Blog!
August 23, 2010. Best day of my life.
Re: Smell issue
<a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y161/putalittlepolkainyourdot/?action=view
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mommas I have gotten to know!
Addie Grace at 8 months - you will see plenty of her in our 365 Blog!
August 23, 2010. Best day of my life.