I think putting together a list of positive adoption language is a good idea. Captian already listed the main ones we see, I know there's others but I can't think of them right now.
After 2years TTC and 1yr,2mo waiting for an adoption match, our blessing is here!
"You may not have my eyes or smile, but from that very first moment you had my heart"
Here is a helpful guide, when talking to a future or current parent who
has been through the adoption/foster care process. This positive
language is chosen to show respect (or dignity), and objectivity about
the decisions made by both birth parents and adoptive parents in
discussing decisions made for children involved.
Birth parentvs Real Parent Biological Parentvs Natural Parent Biological/Birth Fathervs Real Father Biological/Birth Mothervs Real Mother Parentvs Adoptive Parent Birth Childvs Own Child My Child vs Adopted Child Was Adopted vs Is Adopted Born to unmarried Parents vsIllegitimate Made/Make an Adoption planvsGive/Gave Away Child placed for Adoption vs An Unwanted Child Terminate Parental Rights vs Give up/Gave up Court Termination vsChild Taken Away To Parent vs Kept Separated from ParentsvsAbandoned, Deserted, Rejected Making Contact withvs Reunion Search forvs Track Down Parents Permission to sign a releasevs Disclosure Inter country Adoption vs Foreign Adoption Child from Abroad vs Foreign Child Adoption Triad vs Adoption Triangle Child with Special Needs vs Handicapped Child Child who is Developmentally behind vs Retarded child
Re: Adoption FAQ #8
"biological" child instead of "own" child
"made an adoption plan" instead of "gave up for adoption"
PAP = Prospective adoptive parent
AP = Adoptive parent
"birth family" or "first family" or "biological family" instead of "real family"
BM- brithmom
BF- birthfather
DA- domestic adoption
IA- international adoption
I think putting together a list of positive adoption language is a good idea. Captian already listed the main ones we see, I know there's others but I can't think of them right now.
From my website:
Here is a helpful guide, when talking to a future or current parent who has been through the adoption/foster care process. This positive language is chosen to show respect (or dignity), and objectivity about the decisions made by both birth parents and adoptive parents in discussing decisions made for children involved.
Birth parent vs Real Parent
Biological Parent vs Natural Parent
Biological/Birth Father vs Real Father
Biological/Birth Mother vs Real Mother
Parent vs Adoptive Parent
Birth Child vs Own Child
My Child vs Adopted Child
Was Adopted vs Is Adopted
Born to unmarried Parents vs Illegitimate
Made/Make an Adoption plan vs Give/Gave Away
Child placed for Adoption vs An Unwanted Child
Terminate Parental Rights vs Give up/Gave up
Court Termination vs Child Taken Away
To Parent vs Kept
Separated from Parents vs Abandoned, Deserted, Rejected
Making Contact with vs Reunion
Search for vs Track Down Parents
Permission to sign a release vs Disclosure
Inter country Adoption vs Foreign Adoption
Child from Abroad vs Foreign Child
Adoption Triad vs Adoption Triangle
Child with Special Needs vs Handicapped Child
Child who is Developmentally behind vs Retarded child
As far as abbreviations..
B- Biological/Birth (Example BM - Biological Mom)
E-Mom - Expectant Mom
FM/FD - Foster Mom/Dad
FS/FS - Foster Son/Daughter
CW - Caseworker