My boys are 3 months old and sleep is a real problem for us. They nap sporadically throughout the day and at night they are each up 3 times, sometimes for an hour at a time. I don't know what happened - they were moving towards STTN and actually had one night that they slept through. Even last weekend they had 2 nights when they woke up only once at night. But this week, they are up most of the night, are napping for 30-40 minutes tops, and are irritable and tired all the time.
I'm thinking about trying Babywise - I haven't bought the book yet, but I plan to buy it today. My question is, have MoMs used it - does it make sense for twins? Also, does it require you to let them CIO? Because I'm not sure I want to do that with 3 month olds.
If you have any thoughts, please share them with this tired Momma.... And if your 3 months olds STTN, please share your tips/schedule. Thanks!
Re: Anyone use Babywise for their twins?
I haven't had my twins yet (working on it!), but I'll tell you from experience with our singleton that 3 months is a notorious growth spurt age. When they're doing that, their sleep goes out the window! They'll also have developmental spurts (when they're learning to crawl, starting to eat solid foods, etc.), and again, sleep is a distant memory for lucky Mom.
Wow. I'd kind of forgotten those days. I would say I can't imagine what it would be like with twins, but I'd darn well better try, hadn't I? We do mostly attachment parenting style with our son, so we never sleep-trained him (read the Ferber book, but also don't like the CIO style). He's 19 months (still nursing a couple of times a day) and isn't a big sleeper, but is very good at keeping himself entertained much of the time at night.
Good luck!
Did it with my singleton. Did it with my twins and the twins STTN at 11 weeks - 10 pm to 6 am with no noise or waking!
The author actually has triplets. I will say it was a little harder to stick to with the twins but we did and it worked wonders.
i followed BW with my singleton and my twins- from day one... all 3 STTN at 8 weeks. I'm not sure how it would work starting at 3mo - but it can't hurt.
It does not = CIO (that is a big misconception)... it's all about a flexible schedule of sleep/eat/play - and not using rocking/nursing/feeding to get your babies to sleep but learning their cues and putting them down drowsy but awake and having them learn to fall asleep on their own.... and not responding right away to every little peep - b/c sometimes a baby fusses a little and then falls right back to sleep, etc.
here is some good info on BW - esp since many people online bash it - this gives info that supports it - with real stuff --- not bashing it with fake or inaccurate info.
The author doesn't have triplets- just the person who wrote the multiples chapter.
I read it. I liked the eat, play, sleep idea. I threw out most of the rest but hopefully you can find some helpful advice in there. I hope you start sleeping soon.