Cloth Diapering

XP from AP. Sling Safety ? from a newbie.

I was looking at a sling a few days ago (I can't find a link to it.)

It looked like one piece of material sewn in a circle.

Are these safe? I know a lot of the baby wearing safety is based on if it's worn correctly, but obviously some are just inherently unsafe.

If the ARE safe, I am interested in getting one. I like that the reviews (usually meant to be a negative) said the material was thin. We live in the south west and it can get HOT. Also, I am having a love hate relationship with not being able to adjust it. I love the thought of not HAVING to adjust it/have a ton of material, but worry about if it does not fit correctly. 

Opinions? TIA.

Re: XP from AP. Sling Safety ? from a newbie.

  • BTW. haha I know this isn't the correct board, but AP was lookin pretty slow.
  • A normal sling is safe. A "bag sling" can be unsafe if designed badly.

    Just get an inexpensive one to start (from Target or wherever) and save the receipt. If you don't like it, return it. I'd be lost without mine.

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  • A sling (or any carrier for that matter) is only as safe as the parent using it. You need to be aware of your LO, and always check that their chin is not to their chest which restricts their airflow. Always make sure you can see your LO.

    As long as you follow precautions and common sense, they are very safe. I REALLY like the ring slings we have. They are completely adjustable and I can always get a good, snug fit. I put LO in it with her tummy to my tummy, if that makes sense. I don't lay her in it like you would a newborn. With newborns, you need to watch for proper positioning of their neck and head. There are several carries you can do with a sling. You can find safety info online. 

  • I have 2 slings from Snuggy Baby on Etsy. I love them! Her less expensive ones are $47. 

  • This wasn't actually a ring sling. It was just one piece of material in a loop. Sewn together so it's not adjustable. I was hoping someone had some experience with them.

    Thank you for the etsy seller! Those are gorgeous! 

  • I have a Hotsling, which sounds similar to the one you were looking at. They also came out with one that is adjustable though. They aren't in business anymore, unfortunately, but you can still find their slings online. I love my hotsling and so does DD. She starts beaming as soon as I put her in it. I also have a moby wrap, but I prefer my hotsling b/c it's much easier/quicker to put on. I keep my hotsling in my car so I always have it with me. DD and I roast with the moby, the hotsling is much more comfortable.
    Being able to wear DD has been a lifesaver. There were days she was only happy if I was wearing her. It is important to know how to use your carrier safely and to be aware of LO at all times, like pp mentioned.
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  • I know the type of sling you're talking about-- I think they are great for older babies when you can do a hip carry with them.  Personally, I would not use that type of sling with a newborn.  I would look into a ring sling.  They are more expensive but I think they are much safer because they are adjustable.  JMO
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