Hawaii Babies

Boo for a dead pump but YAY for Medela customer service

Murphy's Law at it's finest.  I hardly pump...I mean maybe once a day or once every other day during the work week (since I pump more than Libby will take and our freezer couldn't hold anymore extra milk)...so now...I am wokring 12+ days and NEED to pump and it's broken. Kaput. 

I have no idea what happened.  I pumped on Saturday without incident.  Plugged it in to charge.  Ended up not pumping yesterday so I go to use it today and it won't power on...so I get the AC/DC and try it plugged in...still no go.

I troubleshoot all of the battery issues outlined on the user guide and still no luck.  So, I get on the phone with Medela customer service.  Within 20 minutes I am all set with an entirely new pump being overnighted to me here at my hotel.  Hooray!  So...I am bummed that my pump died with light use and have no idea what that's about (I believe Malia's also died in a similar manner but that she used hers more regularly that I do)...so...yay for awesome Customer Service from Medela!

Re: Boo for a dead pump but YAY for Medela customer service

  • Hmm, seems like Medela pumps aren't very hardy? But that's FANTASTIC customer service for them to just overnight you a new pump =) Yay for that!
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  •  YAY for them overnighting you a new pump espcially since you're on the road. That is so awesome

    Hmm, seems like Medela pumps aren't very hardy?

    Actually I think the madela pumps are very hardy. I exclusively pumped for 4.5 months. In the begining I was pumping every 2 hours and cluster pumping to get my milk in. My Madela pump-in-style advanced did not have one hiccup.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image Heather and Mark | Lanikuhonua 8-14-08
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  • wow that is great customer service!!!
  • Yup, my pump died too. It turned on, but NO suction. I called Medela and they overnighted me a new pump. So I don't have much confidence in the quality/durability of Medela pumps but.... After hospital grade pumps, they are the the best on the market AND you do get great customer service.
    Malia & Dave & Alexa
    Happily married since 2-17-08! Three since 9-9-09!
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  • That's really great to know!! I should have their customer service number handy just in case it dies on me :)
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