Potty Training

Need advice-Pooping on carpet


    Hey ladies...my DD will be 3 in January. She has a potty of her own as well as one for the toliet. Within the last few weeks when she goes down for her nap/bedtime she has been taking off her diaper (within 5 mins of being put down) and it usually is a poopy diaper and it lands on the carpet and she calls for one of us and points to her diaper. Mind you she has just come off the toliet that we have sitting in her room and nothing! She has yet to do anything in there but we still get her to sit on it. This has been happening everyday and even today she had poop all over her hands!! We take that poop and flush it down the toliet and say "this is where poop goes" and she says bye bye!! Not sure what else to do but keep trying to get her to sit on the toliet and cheer her on. How can I stop this pattern? She can have a wet diaper on all day and it does not bother her. Thanks!

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