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I was thinking about this-- Maybe Topeka? Or Manhattan? IDK what there is to do in the winter though.
First time I got together with FFG, we just let the hoodlums go in the Topeka Mall play place.
I rather like the topeka mall. it's kind of 80s in a loveable way.
I would totally love to go there.
firefightersgal:I vote for Man-happenin', but that is because it is closer for me and I know the town better. I'm good with anywhere, though.
I would go there! is there an indoor activity of some sort? a mall? either way.
Re: R9, FFG, HEY!
I was thinking about this-- Maybe Topeka? Or Manhattan? IDK what there is to do in the winter though.
First time I got together with FFG, we just let the hoodlums go in the Topeka Mall play place.
I rather like the topeka mall. it's kind of 80s in a loveable way.
I would totally love to go there.
I'm good with anywhere, though.
I would go there! is there an indoor activity of some sort? a mall? either way.