oh that girl? it was me!! lol. I got my hair cut into a mommy style yesterday and Ive worn makeup 2 days in a row (doesnt sound like much of an accomplishment, but it is..) AND today, I took BOTH girls grocery shopping and got all the way home without ANY TEARS!!! and this is running on about 4 hours of sleep last night. I have to admit, I look damn good and I havent felt pretty since before I was pg with DD #1.
I think Im kind of getting the hang of this. Im not sure if any of you know, but Im doing this pretty much 100% by myself since DH works on average 5 or 6 24hr shifts a week. I think I may be getting the hang of this. Weve established a nice routine, kind of, and I havent had a meltdown in about a week. (woohoo, a record!! lol)
#2 is starting to seem like a baby now and not just a shreaking infant and #1 tries to "help". When J starts crying, A will bring her a paci and put it on her face, she learned how to do "nice hands", so she pets her babbles to her, and she bring her toys sometimes.
the major hurdle IM still tackling is that #2 is mega ultra clingy (HAS to be held all the time) and #1 tries to cuddle while Im nursing. But Ive managed to accomplish everyday tasks whilst nursing. I bascially rock.
Re: who was that MILF at the store?? AW post (back @ mechanicsgirl)
Yay! I'm so glad to hear it. You had so many of the same emotions I had right after #2 was born. I still have my days (and I totally get the ineedtohavemymomholdingmeallthetimethatmeansrightthissecond!!! thing, lol).
**hugs** I wish I could get my hair done, too. It's sad, but I had my IUD put in last week, and I got all dolled up for my OB, lol. Make-up, straightened my hair, showered, etc. Sad, but it was my first time out alone in awhile. I really enjoyed it!
And kudos for taking both girls shopping. That's a task I'm pretty terrified to attempt.
now when I say I got my hair done, that means I washed it at home, went there with a wet head to save on shampooing costs, let them cut it, and left with it wet..LOL...about that time DH called and said he cant handle much longer with the girls alone (it had been 45 minutes....) .
so I take it the HOLD ME RIGHT NOW OR MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE thing goes away?? b/c that would make me happy.
Yay! That's awesome
I'm really trying to break into this with a good attitude. Luckily #2 has been a saint so far. DD1 however has remained super clingy/high maitenence and also has a ear infection and upper respiratory infection right now so thats cool, or not. I got myself a flat iron for my hair! Oh its been a miracle worker. I can go to bed with a wet head (only time for showers is after kids are asleep) and wake up looking like medusa but after only 5-10 minutes and a little blush and mascara I feel like a human again. I have to load up all 3 kids to drive DS to school and back every day by myself starting next week.......that is my personal nightmare right now.
LOL about getting dolled up for your OB, that is too cute! Here's to us mommies feeling like ladies again!
how are you coping thus far? Good I hope!
Im scared of getting pg too, BIIGG time! DH is actually getting a vasectomy tomorrow, so hopefully that will do the trick. DD#1 has meg bad separation anxiety too. I cant even pee by myself.That is getting a tad better though, one of the girls here suggested you talk to them constantly about what you are doing, that seems to help. Definitely taking one day at a time. Its fun for the most part though. Its nice to sit down and cuddle both of them, :-)
This is AWESOME!
I'm glad you are enjoying your everyday successes. And i never wear makeup-so i know what an accomplishment this is.
Let me say, I love you girls. Thank you for giving me hope that I will survive!
Could you possibly fly to my house in January and walk me through this?