Hawaii Babies

Engagement Rings

Do you still wear yours? Today I was playing with LO and he konked into my ring. OUCH! I'm wondering if it's not really feasible to wear them anymore now that a baby's in the picture?

Same with earrings & necklaces. I haven't worn earrings in forever, but LO keeps grabbing my necklace. I feel like it's only gonna be a matter of time before he breaks the chain. Is it time to just put all the jewelery away until they're older?

Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies

Re: Engagement Rings

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    No...but mostly because my fingers are too fat. Crying

    I had to stop wearing my rings when I was like 3 months pregnant and can only barely get them on now. It's really odd because I don't think I've really put on that much weight compared to what I weighed pre-baby? 

    I have stopped wearing earrings and necklaces since they instantly grab for those...do you think your ring will scratch him?

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    I stopped wearing my engagement ring, but still wear my wedding band.  I don't wear necklaces or earrings, because K likes to pull at them and I'm afraid he'll get scratched or something.  

    I miss jewelry! :) 

    **a girl from Hawaii, living and driving in South India**

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    I don't wear earrings or a necklace, but I'm hoping my rings will fit again after LO arrives.  My fingers themselves aren't swollen.  It's my knuckles that have become sore and swollen.  I can't even bend my fingers to make a fist in the morning when I wake up.
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    i still wear my ering but not any necklaces or earrings b/c i was worried about her pulling on them!! she's only hit my ering once so i don't think it is a big issue
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    I just recently started wearing mine again....it's just recently fit again!!  I did worry about it at first, but it doesn't seem to be an issue, at least not yet.  I did try to wear a necklace yesterday for the first time, and that ended badly!!!   Stick out tongue
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    My fingers are too fat to wear both, so when we got married, I just switched to the wedding band (which was more comfortable for me to wear since it was far cheaper!).  But I don't think I'd have worn it after he was born anyway, b/c I'm too clumsy and I'm sure I would have knicked him with it! lol
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    I've been wearing mine but I have also been thinking about just wearing the wedding band bc I've scratched my LO a couple of times. I still wear necklaces and earrings :)
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    I wear mine but I have scratched Libby once or twice with it.  She is fascinated by it though and more often than not I can use it to grab her attention if she's fussy, etc.

    I have had to start removing my necklace and earrings when I get home from work or else she's ripping them off of me.  When I come home for lunch to nurse her I also have to remove them as well.

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    I've been wearing my ering and wedding band. Honestly, it's more than just a ring to me, it signifies where we started and that he was ready to commit his life to me, to us, to our future and what was to come. Looking at it brings back so many memories and I can't imagine not having it! That said, I've never scratched DD with it that I'm aware of. Even if I did, it would be an isolated incident and not intentional and I wouldn't consider taking it off for good. 

    As for other jewelry, I still wear small silver balls in my ears and Bella has never really paid attention to them. She does notice if I wear dangly earrings and then she pulls at them! I never wear necklaces or bracelets because she wants to play with them so I just don't wear them... I don't imagine wearing stuff like that for the next 5 yrs when all the baby making and toddler years are over :) 

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    I wear my e-ring and band. Alexa loves to play with it, she likes the diamond! LOL! I wear studs or short earrings that she can't grab. I wear durable necklaces, either Teething Bling for fun or a Silver Circle Tiffany's pendant on a black cord. 
    Malia & Dave & Alexa
    Happily married since 2-17-08! Three since 9-9-09!
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    I still wear my e-ring and wedding band. I actually requested a low-mounted diamond on the e-ring because I didn't want to be poking or catching stuff with it.

    I don't wear necklaces because I use the Ergo so often and Adrian's face would lie against them. But I do still wear earrings, even the long dangly kind. He sometimes grabs them, but usually he plays with my hair instead. I love earrings, so I just have to be careful when he's grabbing at my face.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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