I have the worst morning sickness and I can barely even take a shower, let alone leave the house. What did you guys do all day with the older one while you were in the first trimester? Does your child just play nicely independently all day?
DD was only 6 months in my first trimester, so she still had 2-3 naps a day. I utilized that time to nap myself. The time she was awake, she did play for part of it by herself.
DC will not be scarred for life if they need to watch TV- someone told me this and made me feel so much better. I was sick, exhausted and just DONE with dealing with my one year old at the point you were at and felt like the worst mom ever.
We did a lot of puzzles, read a lot of books, and did a lot of snuggling. Now that I'm starting to feel a little better I can get back to getting her out of the house and shutting off PBS.
You'll make it through! And because LO is so small, they are never going to remember the days that they had to play by themselves because you had your head in the toilet.
Re: what to do all day when feeling sick?
DC will not be scarred for life if they need to watch TV- someone told me this and made me feel so much better. I was sick, exhausted and just DONE with dealing with my one year old at the point you were at and felt like the worst mom ever.
We did a lot of puzzles, read a lot of books, and did a lot of snuggling. Now that I'm starting to feel a little better I can get back to getting her out of the house and shutting off PBS.
You'll make it through! And because LO is so small, they are never going to remember the days that they had to play by themselves because you had your head in the toilet.