He was born 3 pounds 9 oz on 9/9!
Home care comes out every so often.
5 days ago he was 5 pounds 2 ounces!
Today, he weighs 5 pounds 14 ounces!
Thats 12 ounces in 5 days! My little man is growing so fast!
& it makes sence because today I had to pack up most of his preemie clothes and put him in his first newborn outfit!!!! So excited I wanted to share! Hope everyone & their LO's are doing well!
Heres a picture from yesturday!
Re: Gotta AW my preemie :)
Good job! Love the hat! BTW please do not be surprised or distrubed if he gains less at some time. DD will have really high gain weeks, followed by slower gain weeks. It all balances out.