Pre-School and Daycare

etsy sellers

Every time I make something for one of the kids my family always insists that I go into business.  So how much of a profit do you really make off etsy?  How do you find the time to fill orders? 

I guess I'm really just wondering if it's worth my time and effort to start a shop on etsy.  

Re: etsy sellers

  • I've wondered that before too. My SIL sells cards and jewelry on but I'm not sure how much she makes. I think she does fairly well with it.

    What do you make? I love being crafty with my kids, (when I have time or a fun idea!)

  • Your profit would depend on your product, how well you market, your overhead costs, etc.

    Most of what I sell is digital so I have a very low overhead cost.  Basically the money that comes in is my profit which is fairly significant for our family.

    I have a second shop that is not digital, takes a lot of initial cost and hasn't caught on yet (mainly because of the competition that's out there).  So my first shop is pretty much supporting my second shop right now.

    As for filling orders, I use nap time to do my work.  My house is not as clean as I would like it to be.  If I get behind, my mom is available to watch the boys for a few hours or I work after the boys go to bed (which means less time with DH... he's usually working anyway).  And I rarely Bump anymore because I focus so much more on Etsy.

    Hope that helps!  Email me if you have more questions -

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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