Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Good Santas?

So I know this probably seems early, but I still frequent over on the Atlanta board and the popular local mall Santa is already booked up as is the second most popular.  I didn't know if there was a "Santa" that every tries to go to or if they are all pretty good.  

We live about equidistant between Stonebriar, Willowbend, and Vista Ridge. Any of these good?  Do you make appointments or just stand in line?  Any let you take your own pictures as well?


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Re: Good Santas?

  • We go to willowbend mall's santa every year; just wait in line. I don't think they let you take your own pictures.
  • I have no idea where those malls are but the best one I've seen is at North Park in Dallas.  You can take your own pics but there's a crazy line. You get a ticket and they tell you when to come back for the picture. 
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  • best one is by far the allen new mall area.
    aidan kincaid (12.19.06) sawyer grace (7.30.08) 
    reese madeline (5.11.10) miller paige (2.6.12)
    girl #5 due december 2013.

    13 galveston1

    IG: punkfictionv4

  • I agree about Northpark.  Their Santa is awesome.  He is a professor at UT who has been doing this for years and really gets into the role.  He does a great story time that the kids love, in addition to the photos.  
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  • The real Santa is at the Village in Allen.  If you go the week of Thanksgiving you won't even have a long line.

    Willowbend's is okay.  The Stonebriar guy last year was creepy looking. I couldn't believe people actually paid for pics with him.  

    North Park's Santa is good too but the wait is longer there then if you go in Nov to the Allen guy.  

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