For those that had babies come home small- like 4 and a half pounds how often did you bath them (sponge bath them) in the beginning? What did you use?
Our hospital sent us with phisodern body wash and I was wondering how long did you use that? when did you move to johnson
forgot to ask hospital all this.
Re: Baths?
Around every 2-3 days. It was winter and so I didn't do it everyday. Our hopital used tiny bottles of Johnsons, so I used a little of that in the water or just plain water sometimes. I would lay them on a towel on my bed and do it. They told me not to use too much shampoo on their heads because it can make cradle cap worst. .
This is weird because at the hospital they doused the girls' heads in shampoo. I was surprised how much they used. I don't use nearly that much at home though. I'm also bathing about every 3 days.
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We bathed them every few days. We usually put the baby bathtub on the counter, and put a rolled up hospital blanket inside so they didn't slide so much. I think we usually covered them with a cloth so they didn't get chilled. Setting up the bath took longer than the actual bath itself, we went pretty quick.
We used Dove soap, per the NICU's rec (hair and bod). Our pediatrician was also adament that they didn't need baby lotion. Once winter hit and my son's skin started to get dry/sensitive we switched to Aveeno with oatmeal.
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
The NICU did swaddle baths, and we did that for the first month. (Until they grew out of the cloth.) We'd do it every 3 days or so with Johnson's just on their arms and hair. THe boys looooved it.
I was so overwhelmed I waited about 4 days (but I think 3 is a good rule of thumb). I still have the original johnsons I got from the hospital.. but I chose to use the mustela I had bought, and am glad I did. One is allergic to the johnsons, and I always wash with the mustela shampoo.. I never had even one case of cradle cap. Mine are the first kids I have ever seen without cradle cap. I don't know if it is genetics (although my niece and nephew had it) or if it is due to the mustela. One likes the water cool, the other likes it warm. I have a cloth I keep over them, like swaddling, to keep them warm while bathing. And I always turn off the a/c before starting the bath. (I live in a warm climate).
We were told to bathe them when the smell. Probably evry 3-4 days, but a little longer wouldn't hurt. They said that babies need dirt, and frequent washing will remove the good bacteria from their skin. They need that to help build up their immune system. We were also told to avoid any soaps/ shampoos etc because even the mildest soaps can be irriating to their new skin. Fragrances can also be linked to asthma. When you think about it they don't really get that dirty. Just the milk under their chins and their bums are the only places that get gross.
We're going to continue with just washing them with warm water until they are a little older.