
Ugh - another one

Just got on Facebook & the first post I see was "The test says it all.....pregnant" Ick!

And they were just married 2 weeks ago. Nice.

Re: Ugh - another one

  • I agree Ick!


    PCOS, RPL, & Anti Cardiolipin Antibody
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  • Gag! How obnoxious!!

    Crohn's resulting in colectomy with J-Pouch surgery in 2000/2001.
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    IVF#3: ER 1/15; ET 1/20; Beta#1 1/29: 339!
    Twins girls born via c/s at 37w/3d!!
    "Let it go, this too shall pass."
  • Ugh, I feel your pain! (((hugs)))
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  • I'm sorry. That would send me over the edge
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  • imageBigHairQueen:

    I agree Ick!


    100% agree!  People suck!

    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
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  • BOOOOO!  Even before IF, I wouldn't have announced a pregnancy on FB right after taking a HPT.  (not that I have ever even seen a BFP).

    What is wrong with people!!??????

    I have to agree w the generalization that a lot of people DO suck.

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  • o.m.g. - they just posted a video of them finding out in the bathroom no less....seriously.

    double Ick!

  • That sucks..I'm sorry sweetie...
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  • ((Big Hugs))
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  • Vomit!
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  • Ahhh the worst! 
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  • Ick!Ick!Ick!
    PAIF and SAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC since 2007
    6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
    IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
    IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
    Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • The video seems to be pushing the edge of ridiculous. Sad

  • BARF!
    BFP 11/09...M/C 1/27/10...TTCAL 3/2010...IUI #1 9/2010 = BFN IUI #2 10/29/2010 = TWINS! EDD 7/25/2010 C-SECTION 7/7/11 at 37.5wks due to severe pre-eclampsia. Liliana born 6lb7oz and Anthony born 5lb4oz Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Seriously???  Come on, just found out and it's up on facebook... that's ridiculous.  I'm sorry you had to see that.  It never gets easy.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • grrr... sorry.  FB sucks.  I just hid someone who posted something along the lines of "boy who would of thought making curtains would be harder than making a person?"

    I would really love to tell that person to suck it!

    **SAIF always welcome.**
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  • so. freaking. annoying.

    i'm sorry, hon :( dislike button!

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  • oy...i'm sorry.
    Stopped BCPs December 2008 TTC since June 2009 6 unsuccessful Clomid cycles Dx Annovulatory due to PCOS January 2010 DH-perfect 4 unsuccessful IUIs Began Lupron July 7 for first IVF IVF cancelled; overstimulation and coasting lead to huge drop in E2 New testing with an Endocrinologist...perhaps a new diagnosis... So, not PCOS but Hashimoto's Thyroiditis November 2010 After a looong break, started seeing a new RE. Gearing up for IVF 1.2. Beta 1=197!! BabyFruit Ticker image
  • imagebubbas-mama:

    o.m.g. - they just posted a video of them finding out in the bathroom no less....seriously.

    double Ick!

    OK not to insult ur friends..but that one of the stupidest things Ive ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • yay :/


    TTC #2 since June '08

    ~*DD 10.21.07*~

    dx unexplained

    IUI #1-4 BFN

    IVF#1 June 2011 BFN

    IVF#2 Dec 2011

    Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634

    EDD 8/25


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