
Had impromptu NST yesterday...

Yesterday I had my bio-physical u/s and they found both babies are making great breathing movements. Doc was concerned that Baby As hb was high (180-200) so they sent me to L&D for a NST. While hooked up they found out I was having contractions. I laughed cause I totally just thought it was the babies moving around, but now I know and am paying attention. They also don't think I'll make it to my Nov 2nd c/s! I sent DH to BRU today to get the rest of the stuff we need! And he has to finish their room today. Luckily he has two friends here this weekend to help him. 

I also am pretty sure I am done working (Was trying to make it through this next week). With having contractions and the swelling in my legs I just don't think I have the energy to do it anymore. My legs get tingly and weird feeling when I stand up. We have parent-teacher conferences on Thursday so I think I'll just go in for them (if I haven't had the babies). 

I am totally freaking out because I just don't feel ready.  Maybe after the babies room is done I'll feel better!   

Re: Had impromptu NST yesterday...

  • You're doing really good. Stay home if you can and take it easy.  There's no reason to push yourself right now. 

    FWIW, I don't feel ready either.  My c-section is Tuesday and we are putting the finishing touches on the nursery today.  There's nothing like last minute. :)

    jailbirds Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I think you should be proud of yourself - you made it pretty far with work! I am in awe! Good luck.
    TTC since 8/07 DX - Severe MFI/azoospermia & MTHFR/ TESEs found sperm - 7/08 & 6/09/ 12/08 - IVF#1 - BFN/ 6/09 - IVF #2 - cancelled due to OHSS risk (had retrieval)/ 7/09 - FET #1 - BFN/ 9/09 - FET #2 - BFN/ 11/09 - IVF #3 with new RE cancelled twice - 10/09 & 11/09/ 1/10 - IVF #3 take 3 - BFN/ 4/10 - IVF #4 - first ever BFP on 5/13/10!!! 108 @ 10dp3dt/ 2nd beta 311!/ sono on 5/28/10 said TWINS!!!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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