Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Why am I up?

It is 8am and Noah and DH are still in bed..maybe not for long but why in the world am I wide awake? LOL

Re: Why am I up?

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    Haha DH left for work and Jackson apparently is sleeping in today, but I am wide awake.  We usually get up at 5:30 for work, and he is always up by 6:30 on the weekends, so I consider this a real treat... I slept till 7, wohoo!
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    My mom took our daughter to the lake for the weekend and I'm up...but that was after for sleeping for 10 hours straight.  It is hard being away from her for two nights, but I was exhausted.  She has always been a terrible sleeper, so I don't think I have slept like that since mid pregnancy!
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