The post below about cloth wipes made me you rinse the cloth wipes before washing? Not to be totally gross, but aren't there sometimes 'chunks'? I can't get into this aspect of it either I'm working on it..
Also, has anyone ever reused disposable wipes? I've accidentally washed a few, and they come out as soft and cloth-like!
Re: Cloth Wipes + reusing disposable wipes
I don't rinse our cloth wipes. I wipe DS butt as much as I can with the diaper first so the wipes generally don't have chunks on them.
I've never washed disposable wipes.
Yep, I rinse our wipes when I rinse our diapers (poopy ones). I also use the diaper to wipe off as much poop as possible, but I figure if I'm rinsing the diaper I might as well rinse the wipes too. We have a utility sink with a built in washboard, so it's pretty simple anyway.
I've accidentally washed a disposable wipe, but I wouldn't think to do it on a regular basis. If you're going to wash wipes and re use them...might as well make it cloth.
I too have accidentally washed a sposie wipe or two (DH uses them and so does my mom when she watches LO) so I know what you mean, but I don't think you can really reuse them. They'd fall apart in a couple washes and probably get fuzzies on the aplix of your CDs. If you're looking for cloth wipes on a budget, a lot of people use the Circo brand baby washcloths from Target.
Why didn't I think of that! Great idea, thanks!
To OP thanks for posting this. I haven't really used cloth wipes yet because I was wondering the same thing and didn't want all that POO in there! I tried a few wash clothes today but I've been using one sposie wipe to get the bulk off and THEN used the cloth. I'm going to start using toilet paper. Easier and cheaper and that's what it's for afterall!
It took me a while to get over the "chunky" aspect of cloth wipes. But eventually, I did
For really bad ones, I wiped them with TP, like someone else said, but they usually went straight into the pail. No issues.
(This was when DD was still in diapers. DS's poo is still soft enough right now that it's a non-issue.)
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
Wanna know a secret. I don't rinse the cloth wipes. Sometimes I dont even rinse the poopy dipes. I just throw it all in and do a cold rinse/hot wash/cold rinse.
Here is the gross part - sometimes bits stick to the side of the washer. Like grape skins, peas, the occational blueberry. I just pick the out and wipe out the washer.
LOL you're too funny! Do you feel better now that you've fessed up? hehe