I think it is time for me to join you girls, if you will have me. I have been lurking here for some time now, and have finally decided to take the plunge. My DH I have been TTC for almost a year (next month). He has a 5 yr. old son from a previous marriage, in which we have custody of 45% of the time. It is very difficult dealing with IF while being a stepmom.
We are dealing with MFI, and found out today that our second IUI w/clomid didn?t work. I will be moving on to an injectable IUI cycle in a couple of days (gonal-f). I have had all of the necessary testing, and all of my tests come back normal.
I am just looking for support from others who know what it?s like to go through IF. I?ve had a tough week (woopsie twin nephews born on Tuesday, making it a grand total of 5 kids for my brother), and today my BFN. This week has made me realized that I really need a place to find comfort and vent, as well as lend my support to those who need it.
Thank you for listening to my rambling intro. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
Re: Do You Mind if I Join You? (Newbie Intro.)
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
I completely understand you about the step parenting while going through IF. I have a 15 year old stepdaughter with an autism disorder and we have her full time. It's hard enough to be a step parent, anything added to that is just no fun, especially IF. I wish you lots of luck and lots of patience!
Welcome to the board....hope your stay is short. You will find a wonderful group of ladies here...with all sorts of experiences. It sucks that any of us have to be here, but I'm glad to have this support group!
Also, I'm a stepmom to a wonderful 6 year old little girl...so I can relate to the stepmom dealing with IF side of your story....feel free to message me anytime if you need to talk!
beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
EDD 11/25/12
We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And HOPE does not dissappoint.
Romans 5:3-5
~Matt and Jen~
Married August 26, 2006
TTC since June 2008
Severe MFI
IVF #1 Feb. 2011 = BFN
IVF #2 (Long Lupron) May 2011 = BFP!!!
Our sweet little girl, born January 26, 2012
Time for #2!
IVF #1 (Long Lupron) July 2013 = BFP!!!
Beta #1 (8/1) 203! Beta #2 (8/8) 3,677! 1st u/s scheduled for 8/15!
Welcome to our board. We are MFI also. I'm sorry for all u are going through, but these ladies can offer so much support and comfort.
Good luck with your journey.
TTC since 2008
One blocked Tube
Ectopic pregnancy November 2008
M/C at 6 weeks in January 2010
M/C at 8 weeks (blighted ovum) May 2010
3 IUIs with Gonal-f, Sept, Oct, November 2010 = BFN
IVF#1 1/2011 - 32 eggs retrieved, 26 fertilized, 2 trans. = BFN
Time to regroup and heal and FET at some point
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!
MrsMcC781, I used to be an ABA Behavioral Therapist for children with autism. I can?t begin to imagine how hard that must be for you.
Marissa, I might have to take you up on your offer. Feel free to message me as well if you ever need to talk!
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
TTC #1 since Oct 2006 with severe MFI.
Summer/Fall 2011 - DH on clomid. Helped with morphology and motility, but count still under 1 million.
February 2011 - First RE appointment to discuss options.
March 2011 - We aren't sure what we are going to do right now. DH isn't sure about DS.
TTC Since 10/2007 with no luck and a 'go with the flow' attitude
1/1010 FINALLY decided to have testing done, dx MFI
7/2010 - DH starts Clomid to increase testosterone and hopefully sperm count
10/2010 - Still low (but improved) sperm count.
11/30/10 - IUI #1 and only = BFN
February 2011 - IVF #1 w/ ICSI =
Chemical PG (Beta 1: 10, Beta 2: 19, Beta 3: 17) :-(
April 2011 - IVF #2 w/ ICSI = BFN :-(
September 2011 - IVF #3 w/ ICSI = BFFN
November 2011 - AMH level tested - .83 (normal for age range)
February 2012 - IVF #4 w/ ICSI = (best response ever yet still) BFFN
April 2012 - DNA testing - NORMAL, RE suggests cycling again with own eggs or using DE
On Break indefinitely...not sure we can afford the emotional and financial roller coaster anymore.