Babies on the Brain

"You're 2 years older than my mom!"

Said the 13 y/o 6th grader... But I'm 5 years older than a 2nd grader's brother.


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Re: "You're 2 years older than my mom!"

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    Yeah and the 13 year old's mom had her when she was 13.

    She has to learn not to compare people's age to her mom/parents.  Because that will always end badly for her.

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    I hate when people say things like that.  I got called ma'am at work the other day.  By someone who is my age!
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    Tongue Tied I'm sure the mom would be thrilled that her kid blurted that out too.
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    I hate when people say things like that.  I got called ma'am at work the other day.  By someone who is my age!

    You would have to get over that really quick if you lived in the south. It is a sign of respect around here. I have been called ma'am since a child and I have had people in their 70s call me ma'am.

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    I hate when people say things like that.  I got called ma'am at work the other day.  By someone who is my age!

    You would have to get over that really quick if you lived in the south. It is a sign of respect around here. I have been called ma'am since a child and I have had people in their 70s call me ma'am.

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    I hate when people say things like that.  I got called ma'am at work the other day.  By someone who is my age!

    You would have to get over that really quick if you lived in the south. It is a sign of respect around here. I have been called ma'am since a child and I have had people in their 70s call me ma'am.

    with the military, everyone is ma'am

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    I hate when people say things like that.  I got called ma'am at work the other day.  By someone who is my age!

    You would have to get over that really quick if you lived in the south. It is a sign of respect around here. I have been called ma'am since a child and I have had people in their 70s call me ma'am.

    with the military, everyone is ma'am

    Your bug creeped me the eff out. 

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    Your bug creeped me the eff out. 

    Me too.  I've been waiting for you to post to tell you I spent a few minutes one night trying to kill the bug on the laptop.


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